On 25 April, ANZAC Day will take place in Zonnebeke. On this day, Australia and New Zealand commemorate all residents who died during wars in general and World War I in particular. The municipality of Zonnebeke, the Passchendaele Museum and the Passchendaele Society 1917 commemorate ANZAC Day together with a serene ‘Dawn Service’ at Buttes New British Cemetery.
- Friday 25 april 2025
- Ceremony :
- 6 AM: Buttes New British Cemetery
- 8.45 AM: Pou Maumahara, kasteeldomein
- 9.30 AM: Tyne Cot Cemetery
- Practical
- For the ceremony at Buttes New British Cemetery
- Park your car in the surroundings of the Berten Pilstraat
- From the bus parking there’s a free shuttle bus that goes to Buttes New British Cemetery starting from 5 AM
- You can’t park your car at Parking 2 and Lange Dreve
- After the ceremony the shuttle bus goes to Berten Pilstraat starting from 7 AM
- For the ceremony at Pou Maumahara
- Park your car in the surroundings of the Berten Pilstraat
- For the ceremony at Tyne Cot Cemetery
- Park your car at the parking lot at Tyne Cot Cemetery or in the surrounding streets.
- For the ceremony at Buttes New British Cemetery
“Brothers in Arms” Breakfast
The “Brothers in Arms Memorial Project” vzw organizes a breakfast after the dawn ceremony.
- From 7 to 9 AM
- Tent at Café De Dreve
- € 15 per person
- Limited number of places
Subscribe online www.brothersinarmsmemorial.info/shop or via mail biamp.belgium@gmail.com.
ATTENTION: follow their practical guidelines concerning parking and use of shuttle bus!